
Scientists have engineered mosquitoes that resist malaria parasites with the assistance of anti-parasite molecules.

  Anopheles mosquitoes that have been genetically engineered with the assistance of different anti-malaria molecules can be distinguished from other mosquitoes by the palps, which are as long as the proboscis, and by the presence of discrete blocks of black and white scales on the wings.     Anopheles mosquitoes which Perform at diverse stages of the malaria life cycle are powerfully impervious to the parasites that cause malaria according to a study by scientists at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Plasmodium parasites are the reason of malaria which affects humans and other mammals but can also infect certain mosquito species as well. The disease of malaria fever continues to be one of the world’s top public health threats, accounting for 200 million patients and 400,000 deaths every year mostly in children in South Africa.

What are the detrimental effects of soft drinks on human body?

  Soft drinks are very harmful for human body. Soft drinks are full of sugary contents that why people like soft drink because soft drinks make your mood happy but we do not focus on their side effects.Sugary contents in the soft drinks release dopamine which makes your mood relax that's why mostly people neglect their side effects. Here is the detail disclose of harmful side effects of soft drinks to spread awareness.               Is soft drink is good for our health? Soft drinks are not good for our human body because they are full of sugar which harm our body in different manners.Soft drinks are often referred to as empty calories.Side effects of soft drinks are diabetes , obesity, cardiovascular infection. Some harmful side effects of soft drinks on human body which you don't know: Weight gain: Soft drinks are loaded with high quantity of sugar that why soft drinks stimulate eight gain .If you wanted to stay...

Some productive ways to spend free time (Find flow in everything you do)

  Flow is the state of pleasure,delight,creativity and process when we are completely immersed  in life. The seven conditions for achieving Flow: Knowing what to do Knowing how to do Knowing how well you are doing Knowing where to go Perceiving significant challenges Perceiving significant skills Being  free from distraction Choose a difficult task: We want to see challenges through to the end because we enjoy the feeling of pusing ourselves. Bertrand Russell expressed a similar idea when he said,  ''To be able to concentrate for a considerable amount of time is essential to difficult achievement''. Have a clear ,concrete objective: Having a clear objective is important in achieving flow, but we also have to know how to leave it behing when we get down to business. Once the journey begun, we should keep this objective in mind without obsessing over it . Albert Einstein said that; ''A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell on the...

How to isolate DNA from human blood at home?

  DNA extraction is an essential technique in molecular biology. Isolation and purification are important to determine the unique characteristics of DNA , including its size, shape and function. Isolation of high-molecular weight DNA has become very important  with the increasing demand for DNA fingerprinting, restriction fragment length polymorphism , construction of sequencing libraries and PCR analysis in research laboratories and industry. Principle: DNA extraction of DNA involves three main steps cell lysis ,protein separation and DNA purification.Cell lysis is usually performed by incubation of cells in buffer  having protease and detergent. Equipment required: Centrifugation for 15 ml faclon tubes Microcentrifuge for 1.5 ml tubes Adjustable micropipettes 1 ml and 200ml Reagents required:  TEN buffer  TE buffer  10 percent SDS  6M NaCl  Protinease -K solution 20 mg  Phenol -Choloroform -Isoamyylalcohol ...

What are the hidden health benefits of green tea?

  Green tea has been credited for centuries with significant medicinal properties. Recent studies have confirmed its many benefits, and have attested to the importance of this ancient plant in the longevity of those who drink it often.   Originally from China, where it has been consumed for millennia, green tea did not make its way to the  rest of the world until just a few centuries ago. Unlike other teas, and as a result of being air -dried  without fermentation, it retains its active elements even after being dried and crumbled. It offers meaningful health benefits such as     Controlling cholesterol Lowering blood sugar levels Improving circulation  Protection against the flu Promoting bone health Protection against certain bacterial infectious Protection against UV damage Cleansing and diuretic effects          White tea, with its high concentration of polyphenols, may be even more effective ag...

What the world's longest -living people eat and drink in their daily routine?

  According to the world health  organization , japan has the highest life expectancy in the world , 85 years for men and 87 years for women. This  is the highest ratio of concentration in the world; more than 520 for every million people .  Okinawa is one of the area in japan that were most affected by World War II. As Okinawans recovered from the destruction ,however, they  came to be some of the country's longest - living citizens. Okinawa's miracle diet : '' Okinawa Diet ''  is so often discussed around the world at panels on nutrition. Locals eat a wide variety of foods ,especially vegetables.Variety seems to be key. A study of Okinawa's centenarians showed that they ate 206 different foods, including spices , on a regular basis. They eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. At least seven types of fruits and vegetables are consumed by Okinawans on a daily basis. Grains are the foundation of their diet. Japanese people eat white...

You really don’t know, how harmful antibiotics are for you?

  Antibiotics are medicines that should be considered as potential poisons due to their dangerous side effects .Due to lack of understanding individuals and society as a whole at risk.  A recent study and research from McCullough and colleagues shows a methodical review on public’s information and opinions about antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistance happens when germ like bacteria and fungi develop the ability to fight the drugs designed to kill them. Global survey displays that in 2018 ,antimicrobial resistance killed more people than AIDS .Infectious produced by antibiotic resistant bacteria are among the leading reasons of death for people of all the ages.   If a person experiences a side effect secondary to an antibiotic, it can be slight and have no perceptible impression or it may lead to hospitalizations and even death. This is true that ''Antibiotic resistance is putting the achievement of modern medicine at risk.''      Dangerous side ef...