What are the detrimental effects of soft drinks on human body?


Soft drinks are very harmful for human body. Soft drinks are full of sugary contents that why people like soft drink because soft drinks make your mood happy but we do not focus on their side effects.Sugary contents in the soft drinks release dopamine which makes your mood relax that's why mostly people neglect their side effects.

Here is the detail disclose of harmful side effects of soft drinks to spread awareness.

              Is soft drink is good for our health?

Soft drinks are not good for our human body because they are full of sugar which harm our body in different manners.Soft drinks are often referred to as empty calories.Side effects of soft drinks are diabetes , obesity, cardiovascular infection.

Some harmful side effects of soft drinks on human body which you don't know:

Weight gain:

Soft drinks are loaded with high quantity of sugar that why soft drinks stimulate eight gain .If you wanted to stay fit then you have to quit soda.


Soft drinks intake increase the level of fructose in our body which is lead to insulin resistance and cause diabetes.

Tooth problems:

Soft drinks increases the problems of tooth because phosphoric and carbonic acid present in soda damage your tooth. When these acid come in contact with sugar ,they provide proper environment for bacterial growth.

Risk of cancer:

People who take soft drink in daily routine are nearly twice at risk of sufferings from pancreatic cancer.


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