Some productive ways to spend free time (Find flow in everything you do)


Flow is the state of pleasure,delight,creativity and process when we are completely immersed  in life.

The seven conditions for achieving Flow:

  • Knowing what to do
  • Knowing how to do
  • Knowing how well you are doing
  • Knowing where to go
  • Perceiving significant challenges
  • Perceiving significant skills
  • Being  free from distraction

Choose a difficult task:

We want to see challenges through to the end because we enjoy the feeling of pusing ourselves.Bertrand Russell expressed a similar idea when he said, 

''To be able to concentrate for a considerable amount of time is essential to difficult achievement''.

Have a clear ,concrete objective:

Having a clear objective is important in achieving flow, but we also have to know how to leave it behing when we get down to business. Once the journey begun, we should keep this objective in mind without obsessing over it .

Albert Einstein said that;

''A happy man is too satisfied with the present to dwell on the future.''

Advantages of flow:

  • A focused mind
  • Living in present
  • We are free from worry
  • We feel in control
  • We prepare thoroughly
  • We know what we should be doing at any given moment
  • Our mind is clear and overcomes all obstacles to flow of thought
  • It's pleasant


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