What the world's longest -living people eat and drink in their daily routine?


According to the world health  organization , japan has the highest life expectancy in the world , 85 years for men and 87 years for women. This  is the highest ratio of concentration in the world; more than 520 for every million people . 

Okinawa is one of the area in japan that were most affected by World War II. As Okinawans recovered from the destruction ,however, they  came to be some of the country's longest - living citizens.

Okinawa's miracle diet :

'' Okinawa Diet '' is so often discussed around the world at panels on nutrition.

  • Locals eat a wide variety of foods ,especially vegetables.Variety seems to be key. A study of Okinawa's centenarians showed that they ate 206 different foods, including spices , on a regular basis.
  • They eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. At least seven types of fruits and vegetables are consumed by Okinawans on a daily basis.
  • Grains are the foundation of their diet. Japanese people eat white rice every day, sometimes adding noodles. Rice is the primary food in Okinawa.
  • They rarely eat sugar, and if they do, it's cane sugar. Sugar cane juice has anti- carcinogenic benefits of sugarcane.

Okinawans eat fish an average of three times per week.Sweet and chocolate are much  less a part of their diet.They consume fewer calories; an average of 1,785 per day. 

So ,eat less to live longer?

The key to staying healthy while consuming fewer calories is eating foods with a high nutritional value and avoiding those that add to our overall calories intake but offer little to no nutritional value.

If the body regularly consumes enough ,or too many, calories, it gets lethargic and starts to wear down, expending significant energy on digestion alone.

An alternative to following the 80 percent rule on a daily basis is to fast for one or two days each week. The 5:2 diet recommends two days of fasting every week and eating normally on the other five days.
Among  its  many benefits ,fasting helps cleanse the digestive system and allow it to rest.

15 natural antioxidants found in the Okinawan diet:

Antioxidants are molecules that slow the oxidation process in cells, neutralizing the free redicals that cause damage and accelerate aging. The antioxidants power of green tea, for example, is well known , and will be discussed later at greater length.

Because  they rich  in antioxidants and are eaten nearly every day in the region , these fifteen foods are considered keys to Okinawan vitality.

  • Tofu 
  • Miso
  • Time
  • Carrots
  • Goya 
  • Kombu
  • Cabbage
  • Nori
  • Onion 
  • Soy sprouts
  • Hechma
  • Soybeans

Following this diet will help you feel younger and slow the process of premature aging.


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