9 astonishing and awesome benefits of chia seeds


Chia seeds are used as energy drink in ancient times and they were  also known as foods of warriors.

Rich in vitamins:

Chia seeds are rich in vitamins especially rich in vitamin B (B12, B2,B3 ).So if you want to gain vitamin from your diet ,make sure to add chia seeds in diet.

Higher in calcium:

Chia seeds have high calcium content which are necessary for your bone .These small seeds are five times richer in calcium than milk.

Higher in essential fats:


Chia seed is a great blessing of nature because chia seeds are higher in Omega -3 fats .And Chia seeds also contain necessary fatty acids .Chia seeds strengths your hair and nails.

Best for weight loss:

Chia seeds help in weight loss.Chia seeds also help in in balancing insulin level.Chia seeds also reduce blood sugar level.

Rich in fibers:


Chia seeds are rich in fiber therefore they helps to reduce weight. Chia seeds also help to improve metabolism.

Diet plan for runners:


Runners mostly use many energy drinks to boost their energy but chia seeds is the best energy drink for the runners and they can use chia seeds after their running as energy booster drink.

Help to reduce chronic inflammation:

chronic inflammation is bad for our body because it makes our body  weak ,Chia seeds is the best treatment for the recovery of chronic inflammation.

Goods for bone :

Chia seeds are higher in calcium therefore helps to strengthens  our bones.

Higher in antioxidants:

Chia seeds are higher in antioxidants ,antioxidants helps to fight against cancer. Foods which are higher in free radicals are mostly have low level of antioxidants.


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