Harmful effects of excess screen time for kids


As we know that mostly mental and physical development starts at the age of  two years .This is the golden time for the kids to engage in their physically  and mentally daily activates but when kids spend their most of their time in screening their physically and mentally activities are really effected and due to this their development also effected.

A survey of 2015 of 48 parents show that screen time provided a big distraction for the growth and development of kids because they spend most of their time on screen and not do any kind of activities .In your surrounding you can see that most of the kids are engaged on their phones, laptops and tabs ,this shows that how much time our kids are giving to screen which is very dangerous for their health.

Mostly children learn from their society but when they are not interacting with their society then this cause major problems in their cognitive and social development. And when they grow up there are the victim of many social evils.

This is the responsibility of the parents to keep an eye on their kids and monitor their babies , limit the screen time and engage their children in daily activities.

Dangerous effects of screen time for children :

  • Behavioral problems
  • Bad academic performance
  • Violence
  • Limited time for play
  • Obesity
  • Less and irregular sleep
  • Mood swings
  • Weak eye sight
  • Health issues 

Excess screen time change the behaviour of kids , kids shows bad academic peformances.Kids show bad behavior and make violence .Due to excess screen time kids give less time to play. When they sit on mobile or laptop they suffer from obesity.

Quality  of sleep  is also effected by irregular sleep .Due to irregular sleep mood swings of kids appear. Main Problem of screen time is   weak eye sight .When kids spend most of their time in screening their eye sight becomes weak and due to this many health issues occur. 

How much screen time is good for kids ?

Understand that not all the screen times created equally.
Parents should understand this because parents have to supervise the screen time .Some interactive games can simulate the cognitive development of your kids but some game can change their behaviour so you should keep an eye on your kids and distribute their quality of screen time. This is upon you how to handle it.


Last but not the least,  distribution of screen time for kids is very sensitive topic because it effects the health of your kids so make sure to handle this and you have to make some ground rules for your chidden otherwise you chidden will become technologies feeding zombies.


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