What are the severe complication associated with DNA damage?



DNA is a molecule which carry genetic informations  in living organisms. DNA molecule contains such instruction which are require for an organism to reproduce and survival of organism. DNA also controls all the traits which we inherit from our parents. DNA is hereditary material because it store all the information and pass this information from one generation to other generation. DNA as hereditary material transfer genetic information.

Life without DNA:

Concept of life without a DNA is nothing because without DNA , living organism can not grow.

A cell without DNA do not have any capacity to do any kind of function because DNA gives instruction to genes to make proteins . DNA is used to identify pathogens, identifying human migration patterns, tracing the diseases.

DNA damage:

DNA damage is the changes which occur in DNA and  cause cellular injuries  in body and stop reproduction.This is a very severe phenomena .DNA damage effects the normal functioning of replicative cells and also effects the rate of apoptosis. DNA damage and mutation are connected to each other. The DNA damage caused by ultraviolet radiation is very common. 

DNA damage leads to accumulation of adult stem cells in body.DNA damage within a cell is called metastasis. DNA damage associated with X-rays is very common.

DNA damage causes:

  • Mutagenic chemicals
  • High energy radiations
  • DNA damage from UV radiation
  • Chemotherapy
  • Exposure to genotoxic agents

DNA damage symptoms:

  • High blood pressure
  • Color changes like grey hair
  • Wrinkles on body
  • Getting older very fast

Diseases which are associated with DNA damage:

  • Xeroderma pigmentosum
  • Ataxia telangiectasia
  • Bloom’s and Werner’s syndrome
  • Hereditary non polyposis colon cancer
  • Li-Fraumeni syndrome
  • breast cancer

These are some disorders which are associated with the DNA damage.

Our DNA is the main molecule for our traits and if DNA is damage then our whole system of body is completely disturbs because life does not exist without DNA.


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