What are the complication associated with stomach ulcer?
Stomach ulcer is a condition in which a sore is produced on the lining of your stomach. A burning sensation occurs during stomach ulcer. A pain is feel between your breastbone and bellybutton. This pain increases when you eat or drink something. Ulcer stomach pain located in the upper middle part of your stomach.
Sometime stomach ulcer causes blood in stool.Stomach ulcer effects on body in very badly way. You should treat stomach ulcer in start but if stomach ulcer left untreated then it causes severe complication.
What happens if
stomach ulcer go untreated?
If stomach ulcer go untreated then severe complicated occur like internal bleeding and this internal bleeding cause blood loss ,this leads to anemia. Untreated stomach ulcer is a life threating disease and very dangerous .
Stomach ulcer and gas are associated because when your stomach can not absorb the food particles then gas is produced in stomach and body feel uncomfortable by this gastric gas.
Stomach ulcer is also called as peptic ulcer .
Stomach ulcer symptoms:
Discomfort at night time
Burning sensation
Stomach pain
Discomfort when you eat or drink something
Heart burn
Stomach ulcer causes:
Bacterial attack
Anti-inflammatory drugs
Excess stomach acidity
Hyperacidity increases the risk of stomach ulcer this is due to smoking,stress and spicy foods.
Risk factors associated with stomach ulcer:
Certain factors increases the risk of stomach ulcer.
These are given below
Consuming too much alcohol
Frequent usage of steriod
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