What are the side effects of using broiler chicken for female?



Broiler chicken contains undesirable fats that are harmful to a healthy person. Broiler chicken use can cause problems such as body weight, hypertension, and heart problems. Stop eating highly cooked chickens and choose healthy chicken meat.


Hormonal changes:



Typically, broilers are given growth hormones to help them gain weight faster. There is a concern that when these hormones are consumed, the hormones and antibiotics injected in the broiler may also enter your bodies and cause a health problem.


 Breast  cancer:


In women it cause breast cancer and this is getting disturbing common in bodybuilders and fitness curiosities who consume chicken in very high quantities.

Some research displays that eating broiler chicken cooked at high temperatures can lead to health complications. In men, ovens can cause prostate cancer disease. Be careful with this and do not cook the chicken meat over high heat. Grilled chickens are cooked at a high temperature and this is harmful to your health.


Harmful chemical content:



The broiler chicken is inoculated with hazardous chemical content, developmental hormones, and antimicrobial to increase meat production and gain weight.

Eating them will dangerously affect your health, which can lead to difficulties such as weight gain, male important and beginning of adolescence in women.


 Weight Gain:

 When fitness curiosities focus on attaining muscle they turn towards poultry and at the same time we are promoted that chicken is our healthy light snack that won’t cause any increase in our weight. But actually, white meat is so low on fiber you can probably just go on eating it as much as you want and at the same time it is tremendously calorie-dense meat.

Antibiotic resistance:

As broilers are bred in intensive conditions and are often low on immunity, they are pumped with antibiotics to keep up their health and prevent outbreaks. This has increased antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria including Salmonella.







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