How does the immune system protects our body from disease?


Most organisms are under constant attack from pathogens.                 

Over the course of evolution both the warring parties develop numerous strategies for the conquest and protection .Since existence is at stake this is at stake new attacking and defensive weapons are being constantly developed by both to overwhelmed the other.

There are several features of our bodies that fall in the category of defensive system that are generally do not give the due credit these are nonspecific.

Our skin is a defensive barrier that hinders pathogen invasion .When skin is lost due to injury infection is one of the primary concerns.

Gastric juice in our stomachs can destroy pathogens that may cause infection of the digestive system.

This is the immune system which protects the body from possibly  harmful substances by recognizing and responding to antigens. Antigens are substances usually protein on the surface of cells, virues,fungi or bacteria.


Underactivity of the immune system, or immunodeficiency can increase the risk of infection. You may be born with an immunodeficiency known as primary immunodefiency .


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