How cardiac complications are caused by flu?



Many researchers have shown that heart complication are associated with flu and cardiac failure are caused by direct influenza infections of cardiac cells.

Researchers have done their research work on mice. Researchers infected mice with genetically altered influenza virus then this influenza virus was able to replicate in heart cells and mice developed flu symptoms.

 Flu illness is linked with an increase heart attack .A study shown   that  the risk of having a heart attack was six times higher with flu infection. This type of heart attack is higher in older and who expiring their first heart attack.


If you have heart problems then you have to save yourself getting the flu.

Flu infections also put stress on our body which can affect our blood pressure ,heart rate and heart function. This increases the rate of heart .A  2020 study shown that many hospitalized flu patient developed sudden heart attack.

Cardiac complications are caused by flu:

Heart failure

Heart attack



Peripheral artery disease

Sudden cardiac arrest


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