Which foods cause hormonal imbalance?


Hormones are chemical messengers of your body and if these hormones are disturbed and increases or decreases in their actual level then this is called as hormonal imbalance.

Hormones perform a massive part in the normal working of your body like metabolism, sexual reproduction ,body growth, heart rate  and body temperature.Hormonal imbalance due to stress is very common.Hormonal imbalance also effects on periods.  There are some foods which causes hormonal imbalance so we should avoid that kind of foods. 

Here is the list of some foods which should avoid ;

  • Fast foods
  • Deep fried foods
  • Sugary foods
  • Dairy products
  • Caffeine
  • Alcohols
  • Soy products

You should cut off all these foods for daily diet.

Fast foods:

Many people in the world are taking fast foods and they do not how harmful these foods are because ingredients used in these fast foods are very harmful for your health and also cause hormonal imbalance. So, you should avoid them.

Deep fried foods:

Deep fried foods contain high amount of salt which is bad for your health .Deep fried  foods are high in saturated fats which causes heart diseases and also they causes hormonal imbalance. So make sure to take less amount of fried foodsin your diet.

Sugary foods:

Sugary products like chocolate, candy ice-cream and sweets are not good for your health. Sugar increases the weight and due to this imbalance occur in your hormones and your body make increase depression. Sugary foods lead to spike in insulin level in your body.

Dairy products:

Dairy products  are the main cause of hormonal imbalance because dairy products have high amount of saturated fats and these fats increases the weight and due to this imbalance of hormones occurs in your body.


Caffeine increase cortisol production in our body .Cortisol increase the stress level and due to this stress hormonal imbalance occur .If you wanted to make hormone at actual level do not take caffeine.


Alcohols disturbs the average production of insulin in your body and also disturb the sex hormones in your body.Alcohols also effects the pituitary glands and by this it disturbs your hormones and causes hormonal imbalance. Alcohols causes menstrual  cycle's problems in women.

Soy products:

Soys product increase the thyroid issues in your body .And also disturbs your estrogen level in your body.Soy products are considered as toxic products for our body So, stay away from soy products.


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