In the last few decades many people had used the domesticated plants for their food and also using the domesticated animals for their uses of milk and meat. Yogurt and cheese were also made in that era. But later on, as few years passed, the process of fermentation started in which the yogurt and bread were produced with the help of microorganisms .These microorganisms hydrolyze the sugars and in anaerobic environment the product was made.
Advances in biotechnology
But as we move into the modern era the biotechnology is not just use of living organism but it also make more advances in recent years. Biotechnology makes more achievement in medicine, agriculture and in industrial scale. Biotechnology produces techniques likes DNA fingerprinting, cloning and genetic engineering.
1. DNA fingerprinting and its benefits:
DNA fingerprinting is a technique which is used for the identication of DNA. DNA fingerprinting uses the genetic makeup of the organisms for the identification of criminal perspectives. It is used for tracking the bodies in the criminal sites and identification of culprits. In 1858 German scientist George von Messiner designed the first fingerprinting technique. When we catch a dead body, and we want to identify the dead body, at this time we use the DNA fingerprinting technique to find the identity of dead body.
Benefits of DNA fingerprinting:
Many medical researchers use DNA fingerprinting in their forensic investigations.
With the help of DNA fingerprinting we can detect the genetic disorders and also can diagnose inherited disorders.
DNA fingerprinting is also used to match the DNA of son with that of father.
2. Cloning:
Cloning is a technique to produce the genetically identical copes of organisms. With the help of this techniques we can produce a clone of living cell. With the help of cloning we can only produce the identical copies of living organism but the genetic makeup of the living organism will not change.Clonning does not create manipulation in the genetic makeup of the living organism and does not also change the DNA structure.
Cloning process occurs in nature. In this process cell replicates itself asexually without changing its genetic makeup .Like bacteria, bacteria can produce its genetically identical copies with the help of binary fission process.
Why the cloning of human is banned?
Human cloning is banned because it is against the laws of Nature, it is unsafe and unnecessary. Human cloning is banned because it has many risks factors like it increase the risks of manipulation in the genetic makeup of the human and also alters the DNA.
3. Genetic engineering:
Genetic engineering is the process of altering the genetic makeup of the living organism with the help of recombinant DNA technology. Genetic engineering include the cutting of the gene from one organism and pasting it into the other organism. Many genetically engineered bacteria are used in biotechnology field to make human insulin and human growth hormones.genetic engineering helps us today fighting different disease like cystitis fibrosis, diabetes mellitus and many other diseases.
Why genetic engineering is not a natural process?
In genetic engineering the combination of DNA occurs and the genetic engineering permits joining of DNA from different species. The combination of DNA would never be occur in nature .Therefore we can say that this is not a natural process.
Scope of biotechnology in Pakistan:
We find biotechnology demand in outer country but now biotechnology is also an emerging field in Pakistan and biotechnology has many fast growing sectors in Pakistan. Biotechnology provides many jobs opportunities for the students. But many students in Pakistan find biotechnology a complex find and therefore they do not go into the biotechnology field and they think that biotechnology do not have any job opportunities but I personally suggest you to search your career in biotechnology because this is very emerging field and have respectable opportunities of jobs for boys and girls.
Biotechnology has scope in
1) Medical department
2) Pharmaceutical industry
3) Health department
4) Agriculture sectors
5) Teaching department
6) Medical laboratories
So, you would have to take a step towards the biotechnology to encourage our government to provides facilities for biotechnology labs therefore we can compete the other country in the biotechnology field by showing our skills in biotechnology because this is very interesting field.
Its very Informative.