How the spoilage food effects the human health?




Spoilage food more commonly referred to as food poisoning, is the result of eating contaminated, spoilage or toxic food. The most common symptoms of food poising include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Although it’s quite uncomfortable, food poisoning is not unusual.

Food spoilage and deterioration is no accident. It is naturally occurring process. To understand how to maintain the quality of food and prevent spoilage, we need to know what can cause it. Factor that effect food spoilage.










Preservative frequently involves preservation the growth of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms. A number of methods of preservation can be used that can either totally prevent, delay or otherwise reduce food spoilage.

Detection of spoilage food:

The detection of food spoilage may include an appearance different from fresh food, change in color, a change in texture and unpleasant odor.

Various factors cause food spoilage ,making things unsuitable for consumption .Light ,oxygen ,heat ,humidity ,temperature can effect safety and quality of  perishable foods. When subject to these factors, foods will gradually deteriorate.Microganism are  a rist of spoilage when food are exposed to unsuitable conditions. Microbial spoilage results from bacteria, molds and yeasts.




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